Friday 19 June 2015


IT WAS love at first sight. A foreign businessman thought he had found love when he met a good-looking woman in his shop one morning.

He invited her for late night relaxation so they could get to know each other better.
But his prospective lovebird seems to have been a hard-core thug.
The woman allegedly drugged Nazir Hosein . . . and robbed him!
Nazir (48) was still feeling dizzy when he was discovered by his landlord, who alerted cops and neighbours.
When Daily Sun last Thursday arrived at Nazir’s general dealer store at unit 5 in Temba, Hammanskraal, north of Pretoria, he was still looking confused.
Landlord Sam Motshegoa said: “I was worried in the morning when he did not open his shop and I checked on him. I was surprised to find the door of the room where he was sleeping unlocked. When I called his name I got no answer. I found him lying on the floor, unconscious.”
Nazir was still shaking when he told the People’s Paper: “The woman fled with R3 000 in cash, a box of cigarettes and two of my expensive cellphones. I can’t explain exactly what happened but I felt dizzy after eating a meal she had prepared for us.
“She was a good-looking woman and didn’t have a problem when I proposed that she be my girlfriend. I never suspected she was a thug.”
The SunTeam notified Temba police about the incident. Constable Herman Moremi said: “The matter will only be investigated once the victim is willing to open a case with us.”

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