Friday 19 June 2015


A HEAVILY pregnant woman was killed after a taxi she was travelling in crashed into a house. The incident happened on Wednesday at Matabetulu in Inanda, north of Durban.

A witness said the taxi was on a steep hill when it’s brakes failed.
Thuli Dlamini (52) said she was on her way to fetch her grandson from a nearby creche when the tragedy struck.
“I saw the taxi flying down the road. Suddenly there was a loud bang. People were crying and screaming with pain. There was blood everywhere,” she said.
Thulani Mathenjwa (47), owner of the house, said his traumatised wife called him at work to tell him about the accident.
“I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw the ambulances and firefighters’ vehicles outside my house. I knew then how bad it was. Then I saw the body of the pregnant woman lying there,” said Thulani.
The taxi crashed into the garage of the house. It destroyed it including two cars which were parked inside.
Councillor Bonke Chili said he dropped everything and rushed to the scene after hearing about the accident.
“We were unable to identify the dead woman. I heard that a group of whoonga boys had rushed to the scene right after the incident to pickpocket the injured passengers. It is very disturbing,” he said.
Colonel Jay Naicker said cases of culpable homicide and reckless and negligent driving were opened.

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