Friday 19 June 2015


A CHURCH man has come out against women using “magic” sex potions to get money from their men.

Daily Sun reported last week that women in Mbombela were using sweet-smelling Libhodwe Labafazi (Women’s Pot) ointment to give their men hot sex.
But a representative of the South African Council of Churches in Mpumalanga condemned this practice.
Reverend Luke Dlamini said: “The only way to sustain relationships is to have pure love, trust and honesty. The use of love potions is not a way of love.
“It is embarrassing to see how desperation can force women to do such things in the name of love and money.”
Women pay R70 for the ointment.
But Dlamini said: “How could R70 be a solution to relationship problems?
“Couples should be counselled. They should speak to their elders about how to make their relationships work. If you base your relationship on material things, you will be in trouble the day your luck runs out.
“Let love be inspired by God!”
) One woman insisted that the sex potion works wonders and she’s not giving it up.
“I have been using Libhodwe with good results after spending months struggling to keep a man,” said Thuli Nkosi (27) of Mataffin near Mbombela. – AENS

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