Wednesday 24 June 2015


THE two men were friends and neighbours! But suddenly, one shot the other in the head, then apologised and said it was a mistake – and ran away!

Vusumzi Gundu’s family is still shocked after he was allegedly killed by his friend.
The incident happened in Gugulethu, Cape Town on Saturday.
According to the dead man’s aunt Victoria Nyakashe, they had all just attended a prayer session and were on their way back home when the shooting happened.
“My nephew and his friend were busy delivering chairs we used during the prayer session.
“We still don’t understand what happened. I got a call saying that Vusumzi has been shot by his friend. We don’t know what caused the shooting. I’m still asking myself how he could have killed my nephew by mistake?
“And he didn’t shoot him once because there were two bullet holes in the window,” she said.
A witness, who wanted to remain anonymous, said she was sitting on the street next to the house when the shooting happened.
“The dead man was delivering chairs. He went into the house for a few minutes and then I heard gunshots. The next thing I saw was the friend running away fast. Vusumzi was a good person. He didn’t deserve to die like that,” she said.
Victoria said Vuzumzi was a people’s person who was kind to everyone.
“We have not seen his friend since the shooting. But when we do we would like to ask him why he did it,” said the distraught aunt.
Western Cape police spokeswoman, Constable Noloyiso Rwexana, confirmed that a case of murder was being investigated. “The police received a complaint of shooting at NY 142 in Gugulethu at about 6.35pm on Saturday.
“On arrival the police found the victim lying on the floor with a gunshot wound. He died of his injuries. No arrest has been made yet,” said Rwexana.

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