Thursday 4 February 2016

This man made millions of British £ (Pounds) from his bedroom

He is fighting extradition to the US, where he faces allegations of wire fraud, commodities fraud and market manipulation
A trader dubbed the 'Hound of Hounslow' accused of helping to cause a £ 350 billion Wall Street crash placed up to 7.4 million market orders in a single day, a court heard today. Navinder Sarao, 37, allegedly made over £30 million from his west London bedroom by constantly placing and withdrawing offers to sell or buy commodities in deals he never intended to execute.

On one day he is said to have placed 7.4million orders, accounting for nearly half of similar market activity across the entire Chicago Mercantile Exchange.
Sarao faces extradition to the US over 22 allegations of wire fraud, commodities fraud and market manipulation between June 2009 and April 2014, which could incur a prison sentence of 380 years in prison.

Today the US government claimed Sarao's 'dishonest' trading of contributed to a market imbalance which culminated in the Flash Crash on 6th May 2010. The Crash, which lasted 36 minutes, saw the Dow Jones Industrial Average experience its biggest intraday point drop, plunging 998.5 points. Sarao is said to be worth £27million after working as a lone trader from his parents' semi-detached home in west London.

Today, he sat with his head bowed throughout proceedings. He is accused of using an automated trading programme to place large volumes of 'sell' orders, before cancelling them. The activity allegedly helped drive market prices down.
The court heard he would constantly modify the prices of his 'sells' to continue the pattern, before buying at 'bargain' prices.

'The prosecution allegation is that by that trading he engaged in what is known as spoofing - spoofing is market manipulation,' said Mark Summers QC, for the US. Mr Mark Summers, QC, said Sarao had succeeded by creating an 'Illusion there is a market for that product and the illusion of liquidity.' Sarao then 'took advantage of prices he has artificially created,' Westminster Magistrates' Court heard. 'He was dishonest in his trading and never had any intention of letting his sell orders be executed,' said Mr Summers.

Navinder Sarao, dubbed the Hound of Hounslow, placed millions of market orders every day using a computer programme, a court heard today
'The end result of him doing so is that the market believed there was a liquid market for the futures he was advertising for sale,' said Mr Summers. 'Market price was driven down by virtue of the market believing the sale orders were real. 'The US government says there is a difference between a genuine trader on the market and the defendant. who from the outset intended for his orders never to be executed.'

On August 4, 2011, Sarao allegedly made £4 million by manipulating 4,000 orders.
Speaking of trading on May 4, 2010, Mr Summers said: 'His orders had been modified over the course of the day a total of 7.4 million times, and that accounts for 42% of all modifications across the market for that day.
'The end result of which he had artificially lowered the price in the futures he was keen to purchase.
'He was able to buy some 8,000 of them, and in the reverse direction he was able to sell almost 8,000 orders - making £875,000 profit for himself.'
Sarao's acitivites then 'contributed' to the Flash Crash on May 6, 2010, the court heard.
'The Flash Crash was caused in large measure by action on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange,' Mr Summers said.
'The government alleges that the defendant on this day was heavily engaged in his spoofing activities.
'He was, through that activity, contributing heavily to that market imbalance. Along with other factors happening that day, that market imbalance contributed to the Flash Crash.'
US authorities allege that he carried out the frauds from the bedroom of home in west London
US authorities allege that he carried out the frauds from the bedroom of home in west London, Mr Summers continued: 'Overall, on the sample allegations that are listed in the various charges, the defendant made some $8-9 million dollars.
'Overall, he made over $40 million dollars from spoofing the E-mini on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange from his home, or as he says, his office, in London.'
The former bank worker and Brunel University student was granted bail last April, but was only released from Wandsworth prison in August. He is fighting the extradition.
He was ordered to provide a security of £5million in addition to £50,000 from his parents, after lawyers reached a compromise with the US authorities to allow him access to his multi-million pound accounts in Switzerland.
The hearing continues.

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