Thursday 4 February 2016


God’s presence was felt in every aspect of the Sunday service of January 31, 2016 at The SCOAN. As the choir gave congregants enough musical reasons to shake off the devil from every corner of their lives, the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua reminded all Christians of the need to hold on to God in times of trouble.
According to him, troubles have always had a significant role to play in the lives of all those who have a special place in God’s heart. In a message titled, THE HIDDEN TRUTH, the man of God observed: “When you are in trouble, that trouble should strengthen your desire and determination for God. Your situation cannot say you are not a Christian. God refines us with situations like that. The reaction of your situation on you separates impurities. Your situation separates impurities and allows the character of God to grow in your life. My situation cannot determine my Christian life. The Spirit of God needs a free spirit”.
Concluding, the man of God admonished congregants to avoid the erroneous impression that the Christian race is a bed of roses. According to him, the crown only comes after the trials that must be overcome: “A true Christian is tested by his ability to face situations. Trials and temptations are tests to promote you. Your faith life needs to be tested by foolish things. You can never live and be ‘out of touch’ until the end of your days. That touch is to separate impurities and allow the character of God in your life to grow”.

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