Monday 6 July 2015


PHILISWA Mfusi (24) proudly covered her face with a veil as she walked down the aisle in her white wedding dress. The dress and the veil, traditional symbols of virginity, emphasised the celebration of love for her and her husband Viwe Jojo (30).

On Saturday her home in Mpindweni, outside Mthatha was buzzing with preparations.
The bride started inciyo, or virginity testing, 10 years ago.
“I am so happy to be married without having a child before marriage. I never wanted to disappoint my parents,” she said.
The couple also did HIV tests before the wedding.
The founder of the inciyo practice in the Eastern Cape, Nongenile Nyoka, said Philiswa is one of many girls to get married under her supervision.
“I teach them to love and respect their bodies,” said Nongenile. She accepts girls from the age of five for the programme she started in 1996.
“It is our tradition to raise our girls in this way to counter teenage pregnancy and HIV.”
She said more than 12 000 virgins are her responsibility. There are also 30 virgin boys.
Inciyo girls danced and celebrated with the virgin bride.
The bride’s father, James Mfusi, said: “I am proud of my daughter.”
Fifteen cows were paid as lobola.
Viwe promised to love his wife until the end of time.
“It has been my wish to marry a girl who has undergone inciyo,” he said. “I respect culture as much as I respect religion. It was the church that brought us together and we will remain guided by the church.”
His family travelled from Mount Fletcher to celebrate the big day.

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