Thursday 18 June 2015

Dr. Chris Okafor: Founder of Liberation City donates N500,000 to 3-yr-old boy with unusual growth.

Pastor Chris Okafor presenting little Oluwanimilo Afolabi with the sum of N500,000
General Overseer of Mountain of Liberation and Miracle Ministries, aka Liberation City, Chris Okafor recently donated the sum of N500,000 for the treatment of a three-yr-old boy with an unusual growth on his head.
Daily Independent reports that Oluwanimilo Afolabi had a lump almost as big as his head which made him perpetually ill and had him eating through a carved close to his navel and another in his chest.
Oluwanimilo's father, Sola Afolabi a petty trader and his wife explained that they had cried for assistance to no avail until he approached a friend who suggested he try the media which worked in the end.
Pastor Okafor narrated that he was reading through the pages of a national paper and came across the plight of the little boy, he felt pity and decided to help.
Narrating how the lump came about , Mr Afolabi explained thus:“We noticed the lump on his head right from the day he was born. He was born on January 12, 2012. It was the mother that noticed the lump and as at that time the lump was very small. Initially I thought it was a boil and I waved it aside, with the thought that it was going to go away. As days turn to weeks, we noticed it was growing in size. All this while, the child refuses to eat. If the mother breast-feeds him he vomits everything. Anything he takes in he vomits. I became scared. I ran to the nurse that took his delivery to complain and she advised we take him to LUTH. On getting to LUTH we were told he couldn’t eat because the passage where food goes to was blocked. As I speak with you he only eats through the tube attached to his navel. The doctors at LUTH said it is going to be operation but that it can’t be carried out now because of his tender age.  I still took him to LUTH when he was one and was told that he is still too young. He is just three, look at how big the lump has become. Our lives have never remained the same since we had him. Raising money has been difficult. Since my wife was delivered of another baby I have been the one running around for him. It has not been easy at all. It is lack of funds that has kept me till this time from taking him back to LUTH.
As we speak I have already deposited N300, 000 at LUTH. What was written as bill for us at LUTH is N500, 000. Some even said I should tell people that I need more that that amount and I tell them; this is not a business for me. All I want is to see my son well and able to run around and play like his mates.
Do you know that when my wife was pregnant we did series of scan and the baby was certified okay?
Right after making the donation,  the Liberation City founder explained why he decided to help.
Pastor Okafor said: “whatever position God has given us in live it is not by the reason of our work, righteousness or qualification but by his mercy. What is practical Christianity? In Matthew 25 verse 1-46, Jesus said: ‘I was hungry I came to you; you did not give me food to eat. I was thirsty, you did not give me water, I was sick you did not come to visit me. And you will say, lord when were you hungry that we didn’t give you food, or when where you thirsty that we didn’t give you water, and when were you sick that we didn’t visit you? And Jesus will reply that when you do for those that didn’t have you have done for me’. In other words, you can’t do anything for God. The only thing you can do for God is to reach others. The Bible says he that lends, lends to God. You don’t help someone because of what they can give to you.  For more than six years now the Chris Okafor Humanity Foundation has been touching lives in many ways, and we will continue to do that.
“Today, apart from touching the life of Oluwanimilo, we also invite children from the All Saints Orphanage. It is our duty to make these children happy always. This year we are going to empower 200 people. The government alone cannot do it. The church is a government of its own. People should learn how to be their brother’s keeper. What we do at Chris Okafor Humanity Foundation is not for self-gratification or self-glorification but for the kingdom of God. The mandate God has given me is to touch one billion souls. We are running a church beyond the firewall. The church should not be where we go and just worship. What else do you do from there? Jesus did not have a church be He touched so many lives.”
Speaking on how the story of Oluwanimilo got to him, the man of God said: ‘I read papers on a daily basis and I saw the story of the boy with the lump on the head.’
"I just looked at the picture and glanced at the headline and then looked at the picture of the boy and found that the lump was almost as big as his head. I read the story and I felt touched. After reading I went back to the room to break the fast that was when the Lord said to me: ‘You must help that boy.’  As at the time I read the story that Friday it was already 5pm and the banks were close I told my men to contact the newspaper house to see how we can get the boy and his parents so that they can come to the church and see how we can help them. God asked me to do it immediately so I didn’t have to wait till Monday. I rallied round and gathered all I had and was able to put the N500, 000 together. The relationship with this boy has just started. This is just the beginning of good things to come.”

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