On Sunday, October 2, 2016, there was a splendid display of God’s power during The SCOAN Live Service. Aside from the inspiring testimonies, the choir was in its usual elements – providing the musical impetus for the Spirit-filled moments of praise and worship.
The Mass Prayer session brought the kingdom of darkness to its knees as the fire of God was released at every demonic affliction, yoke and manipulation that had held the children of God hostage. In the end of the spiritual face-off, chains were loosed while age-long afflictions were brought to an end courtesy of the Holy Spirit, which worked in tandem with the Father and the Son to restore glory to God’s children.
In her message titled TRUSTING IN GOD, Evangelist Bose urged Christians to repose their total belief in God, even in the face of the worst of situations. According to her, in spite of the reality of the lion’s den, Daniel refused to give up his trust in the Most High God. He was not only saved from the lion’s, he was set up for a new level in life while his status and relationship with God attained different levels entirely. “He received the future he desired and not the future he feared,” she added.
Continuing, Evangelist Bose observed that the human character must undergo tests in order for it to be shaped for greater things ahead. But when these tests come in the form of humiliation or hardship, a good Christian must not repudiate his faith and focus in God: – “Remember as gold is tested by fire, so also the human character is tested in the furnace of humiliation.” Urging Christians to cling unto their faith in God rather than give in to fear, she concluded, leaving a huge and inspiring nugget: – “I am here to encourage you that you have a friend – the Holy Spirit – who will defeat fear for you today.”

Getting to the USA, she was faced with a strange problem of bedwetting, after a dog had bitten her in a dream. It became a huge thorn in her flesh to the extent that she called her husband in Nigeria and solicited for prayers. On several occasions, she had to find ways to cover up the mess whenever she wet the bed in her elder sister’s house. She became scared of sleep because the spirit behind her predicament manipulated her through dreams. She usually wet the bed anytime she saw that evil dog in her dream. Sometimes, it happened whenever she felt pressed and needed to use the restroom.
While the shameful problem persisted, she came to an agreement with her husband that the only solution would be to pray with the man of God on Emmanuel TV and minister the Morning Water. Mrs Godfrey kept vigils praying with the man of God on Emmanuel TV while also ministering the Morning Water with uncommon devotion. One day, while asleep, the usual dream of feeling pressed reared its evil head but as she was about to bedwet, a hand woke her up. Waking up, she headed straight to the restroom. Since that day, the humiliating experience of bedwetting from the pit of hell, had left her.
Testifying before The SCOAN congregation, Mrs Jane Godfrey said the problem has stopped for one year now. She regretted all the embarrassment it had caused her, especially in her sister’s house where she had to cover up for the shameful occurrence. According to her, her business is now flourishing after she was delivered from the problem of bedwetting. “Children of God, wherever you are going, make sure you obtain the Morning Water. It is the body and blood of our Lord, Jesus Christ. It works wonders. Keep on praying. Watch and pray so that God will continue to dwell in you all the days of your lives in Jesus’ name,” she advised congregants and people all over the world.

Coming down to The SCOAN and receiving the Morning Water, Mrs Yakubu ministered it on her entire body, believing God for instant healing. In a matter of days, all the rashes and pains disappeared. Testifying in company of her sister, the Ibadan-based indigene of Kaduna State, Nigeria, told congregants that she is now fit to do those things she could not do before. She advised people all over the world to make God’s Word the standard for their lives so that His blessings would remain permanent in their lives.

In the midst of the ensuing commotion inside the plane coupled with the fervent prayers of the two friends, God hearkened to the cries of His children. Within five minutes, the turbulence that had held the flight hostage came to an end. According to Mrs Ochieng, a Kenyan living in Belgium and her Nigerian friend, that experience is something they would not wish even their enemies. Thanking God for miraculously rescuing them from a potential plane crash, they advised people all over the world to hold on to God and always pray before they board flights.

The man from Delta State, Nigeria, had been to many churches but the more they tried to deliver him, the more beer he drank. Though, he had always heard about The SCOAN and Emmanuel TV his ‘fellow drunkards’ discouraged him from seeking help at the Arena of Liberty, claiming that the man of God was a ritualist. As his drinking malaise continued, his life witnessed so many sad moments. He had lost a couple of teeth after drinking and falling into a gutter. He also had scars all over his body as a result of unwarranted violence caused by over-indulgence with alcohol.
One night, after he had gotten himself drunk and had lodged into an hotel with a prostitute, policemen busted the area and dragged him out almost naked in an area famed for its notoriety in crime and all sorts of illicit affairs. For four days, he slept in the police cell without food. That experience humbled him to his knees as he called on God to help him out, promising to serve Him all the days of his life. When he left the police cell, his yearning for God started growing as he watched Emmanuel TV. He also visited The SCOAN and received the Morning Water which he ministered amidst prayers. He eventually dreamt about his deliverance by the man of God and since then, his life has changed for the better. He no longer thinks or talks about alcohol, smoking and women. Today, he is a happy man with huge savings. He has also established a business for his wife and has bought a car for himself.
Turning himself into an instant evangelist for the Kingdom of God, Mr Unoho received another Morning Water, armed himself with the Good Morning Stickers and headed to his village where his mother was ailing away and could not walk. Believing that he would deliver her, he prayed to God for guidance and set into action as soon as he landed in his village. Ministering the Morning Water on his mother and commanding the spirit behind her ailment, Mr Unoho was able to deliver her and put her back on her feet, after the spirit tormenting her had revealed all the destruction it had wrought in her life. Refilling the Morning Water bottles with ordinary water, he had faith that the anointing in the bottles would bring about more miracles. Mr Unoho also delivered his younger sister from a 35- year-old demonic affliction.

During his testimony in company of his younger sister, he thanked God for using him to bring deliverance to members of his family. While narrating her encounter with her brother during the deliverance, his sister confessed that she saw fire around him as he approached her prior to the deliverance. She advised people all over the world to give their lives to Christ

The doctors in the USA sent her home, urging her to cope with the situation as they had exhausted all medical options and still could not understand what her problem was. Back home, she still couldn’t walk, see or hear. The problem jeopardised her role in her church choir. All the subsequent tests, apart from the hearing test, showed that nothing was wrong with her. She had considered the option of surgery but her friend came up with a different idea. Showing her clips of Emmanuel TV, her friend persuaded her to exploit the spiritual option ahead of all others. As she watched Emmanuel TV, she realised that she too needed deliverance urgently.
While those problems persisted, Mrs Otee’s job was severely threatened even as she had to part with a lot of money owing to the several appointments she had with specialists. Surviving three accidents at the same spot further reinforced her suspicion that there was a spiritual battle to fight and for that, she became more and more attracted to Emmanuel TV. She was allergic to noise and had to make do with headphones, without which she would get dizzy and collapse. She moved about with different medical support tools coupled with a cocktail of pharmaceuticals.

In the physical, he found it very difficult to accomplish any task successfully but in the spiritual realm, he was a wealthy young man controlling a lot of things, including countless women whom he slept with. Mr Daniel Ezeissi’s problems started after he had an encounter with a so-called priest who turned out to be a man-monger. The spiritualist had made advances at him on the very first appointment they had. Though he turned down those advances, he would eventually succumb after he had a strange dream in which he found himself surrounded by some people who were making merry in an island-like locale.
The relationship between him and the spiritualist lingered for some time until he later relocated to Ghana to join his elder brother at the expense of his education. In Ghana, he also found one of his kind and they started a relationship that would soon graduate into an almost irredeemable tango. The more he slept with men, the more favours he got in kind, albeit his soul was ablaze in the great conflagration called hellfire.
Daniel’s problems bore other kindred fruits. He delved into drinking and smoking at the expense of his scholastic endeavours. His irresponsible focus soon degenerated into cultism to the extent that he purchased a pistol in order to fortify himself for any form of impending violence. During his cult initiation which spanned seven hours of ruthless beating, he felt no pain even when other initiates had passed out. He was nicknamed Field Marshal Idi Amin Dada for his heartlessness akin to that of the late Ugandan dictator. Back in Ghana, whenever his brother was watching Emmanuel TV, he would feel very uncomfortable. A strange heat usually came over him and forced him out of the house. According to him, his feeling of discomfort was more when The SCOAN Mass Prayer was being broadcast.
Strong-willed and unyielding to good counsel, Daniel continued to mess himself around until he met a banker friend who talked him into going back to school. When he eventually started school in Nigeria, he embraced substance abuse and flocked with bad boys and prostitutes whose activities kindled the fire of his wayward life. sometimes, Daniel used webcams to disguise as a woman in order to attract and scam men through the internet.
Dropping out of school after a bloody inter-cult war, he had relocated to Lagos in search of a job but ended up in the Arena of Liberty where the raging fire of the Holy Spirit refined him. During the Mass Prayer in the previous Sunday service, the Holy Spirit purged his life of the spiritual wife that had been tormenting him. According to the evil spirit which spoke through him, he was doomed to be destroyed and made useless. But God would not permit such an evil design. Daniel received his deliverance and ever since then, his life has retrieved its stolen glory from the pit of hades.
During his testimony last Sunday in company of his mother, Daniel narrated his escapades with bad boys while he was under the influence of the spirit wife. Regretting all he had done, he wept as he realised that the evil spirit had almost destroyed his life but for God’s intervention through the Arena of Liberty. He urged young people brought up in Christian homes to always open up to their parents whenever they had issues.

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