Saturday 4 July 2015

In China: Lesbian couple push for same-sex marriage legalisation by getting married!

Same-sex wedding
U.S. Supreme Court's ruling last week in favour of same-sex marriage is causing other countries to push for the same.

Same-sex weddingplay
Same-sex wedding

Yesterday, Teresa Xu and Li TingTing had a political, unofficial ceremony in Beijing as a bid for the legalisation of same-sex marriage in China.
Same-sex weddingplay
Same-sex wedding

Gay marriage is not legalised in China and homosexuality is still viewed as a taboo by many Chinese people.
In fact, for many years, being gay was considered a mental illness by the national Chinese psychiatric association, this stopped in 2001.
One of the brides, Li TingTing, is an activist, she was arrested with four other feminist activists in Beijing on International Women's Day
She has also been arrested for planning to hand out stickers that called on the police to take further actions against sexual harassment.

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