Monday 6 July 2015


If it was up to Nobomi Dudumashe, the death penalty would be brought back immediately. That way she might get closer to peace, said the sad mum of murdered Zandile.

And while Zandile’s 28-year-old Malawian boyfriend is standing trial for the gruesome murder, Nobomi is left with an empty heart and nightmares of what she saw.
The distressed woman told Daily Sun her dreams turn to horror as she remembers seeing her daughter’s leg being sniffed by dogs and the rest of her body parts stuffed in a plastic bag.
The small town of Cala erupted in attacks on foreign nationals in April after the Malawian shopkeeper was arrested for Zandile’s murder.
Nobomi (42) said she wasn’t ready to forgive her daughter’s killer.
When the SunTeam met the mum, she broke down in tears, talking about how her six year-old granddaughter keeps asking when her mum is coming back.
“We still don’t know how to tell her child that she will never see her mum again.
“We were busy preparing for a traditional ceremony for Zandile called Ukuqatywa – to formally introduce a child to its ancestors – when she got a call from her boyfriend asking her to come over to his place.
“She left three days before her ceremony. I was surprised when the accused came to our place the following day with her cellphones.
“When I asked him where Zandile was, he said she was with another man and was cheating on him.”
Soon after Nobomi was called by cops to identify the leg which was eaten by dogs, and to her horror she recognised it as Zandile’s.
Later the horror continued when she was asked to identify body parts in a plastic bag. Next to it was another bag with three candles, a blade and chicken feathers.
“I managed to identify the hands . . . both eyes were removed from her face. I cried like a baby. That’s the day the sun set for me and the Dudumashe family,” said the sobbing mum.
The accused is due to appear again in court on Monday 27 July while the state waits for post mortem results and DNA tests.

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