Tuesday 23 June 2015

Sister Nirmala Nun who succeeded Mother Teresa dies at 81.

Sister Nirmala (right) took over the running of the charity after Mother Teresa (left) died in 1997
Sister Nirmala, the nun who succeeded Mother Teresa as the head of a charity in the Indian city of Kolkata (Calcutta), has died, aged 81.

BBC reports that the former Superior General of Missionaries of Charity was suffering from various ailments.
It was gathered that she took over the running of the charity after Mother Teresa died in 1997 and ran it for 12 years before Sister Mary Prema took over in 2009.
The Missionaries of Charity cares for the homeless and dying in Kolkata.
Archbishop of Kolkata Thomas D'Souza told the AFP news agency that Sister Nirmala "passed away peacefully, surrounded by sisters praying for her".
"She had been suffering from a heart disease for quite some time, but she never lost her smile and was always cheerful."

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