Tuesday 30 June 2015

Jerusalem: ISIS threatens Christians.

ISIS has set its eyes on Jeusalem, as part of its bid to expand its caliphate.

Reports reaching us say some leaflets were found in several locations, in Jerusalem, with a notice asking Christians to leave or face being killed.
They referred to Christians as agents of Israel and the West, adding that the group has the location of most Christian buildings.
The notice on the leaflet reads "We tell the heretic Christians, you must clear out immediately or we'll massacre you on Eid al-Fitr, marking the end of Ramadan, and one month is time enough to evacuate.”
It was purportedly signed by the Islamic State, Jerusalem Emirate.
In a response, Latin Patriarch Michel Sabbah said 'If it's real, than they're welcome to it, and if it's an attempt to divert attention from the Tabgha affair then we still demand the State of Israel  bring those responsible to justice.'

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