Wednesday 3 June 2015

ISIS: The height of bestiality.

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, aka Caliph Ibrahim, is head of Islamic State

The report that Islamic State militants are now burning their victims alive is sickening and deserves an urgent attention from the global community to stop it.

These terrorists have been given too much latitude and now they are gaining a strong foothold in Syria and Iraq and committing all sorts of atrocities with reckless abandon.
They started by lining up their victims and shooting them in cold blooded manner. And when the whole world thought they had witnessed the worst form of cruelty to fellow human beings, they moved on to beheading.
Citizens of the United States of America and the United Kingdom were victims of the beheading, yet the terrorists, many thought would be given a bloodied nose by these super powers for these atrocious acts, have continued to wreak havoc mostly in Syria and Iraq.
The lameduck United Nations should hide its head in shame for allowing ISIS to fester to the point of having a free rein. With all their might, the super powers look helpless in taking on the terrorists.
That was how the World Health Organisation fiddled annoyingly while the Ebola Virus Disease ravaged some countries such as Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea last year, leaving thousands dead before it woke from its slumber.
Must the world continue to watch helplessly while ISIS have a field day spilling the blood of innocent people? Haven’t their atrocities reached a point where the world should rise up and say enough of the bloodletting?

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