Saturday 27 June 2015

In Tanzania: Islamists drive Pastor into hiding, take over church building.

Outdoor tent at a resort in Tanzania.
Some Islamists on the island of Zanzibar off Tanzania's coast have driven a local pastor into hiding after taking over his church's rented hall.
According to Morning Star NewsPastor Philemon's New Covenant Church had shrunk from 100 to 25 members after Muslims "persuaded" the landlord to rent the congregation's worship hall to them before the church's lease was up.
Worthy News reports that What remains of the congregation now rotates among their own homes for worship.
"The church faithful are so scattered," Philemon said. "Some members are always knocking at my door requesting a place for worship."
According to Worthy News, in Zanzibar, obtaining land for churches is difficult because the congregation must first purchase it as private property, otherwise the landowners of the Muslim-majority island would never sell it.
Although Tanzania's population is mostly Christian, the Zanzibar archipelago is 97 percent Muslim.

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