Tuesday 16 June 2015

I checked my wife's phone and I died...

From a male reader
If you don't want to die of heartbreak, I think it's best not to check your spouses phone. I did over the weekend and I haven't recovered from it. I went through my wife's phone and I saw a text she sent to her ex, a man she had a baby with where she told him he denied her the fairytale life she'd hoped for. That they would have been so happy together but he decided to chose someone else over her and that their son is a remainder of a great love that could have been but never was. She said she would never stop loving him and hoped in another lifetime, God will give them another chance and he would choose her. She sounded so heartbroken. She's been married to me for two years and we have a son together. So it means she's not happy with me and is only with me because the love of her life rejected her? I'm heartbroken. Don't know how to confront her about this. This is so painful

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