Thursday 18 June 2015


DORAH knew her work colleague as an amusing, good-looking guy. But now the God-fearing man is wanted by cops after he allegedly robbed her of her laptop!

“I’ve known him for over a year. We met at the company we worked for in Sandton,” said Dorah Nkabinde (39) from Diepkloof, Soweto.
“We used to be so close that I sometimes lent him my laptop. But two weeks ago he borrowed it and never returned it. His phone has been off and police are looking for him,” she said. Dorah added he was a sweet man who made them laugh.
“He used to crack jokes and sing gospel songs,” she said. “Even after three days I still hoped that he would bring my laptop back. I never thought he would steal from me,” she said.
Dorah said when he took the laptop from her, he told her that he was going to load a programme that would make her studies easier. But after not hearing from him for a week she reported him to the cops.
His phone has been off and no one knows where he is.
Gauteng police spokesman Lieutenant Kay Makhubela said police are looking for the suspect.

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