Sunday, 10 May 2015

Father murders daughter, wife, sister, explains his reason on Facebook.

               L-R: Laurel, Emily and Randy
Randy Janzen, from Canada, said he killed 19-year-old daughter Emily because she suffered from excruciating migranes, which he said had ruined her life and made her depressed.

Read what he said on Facebook:
"Over the last 10 days I have done some of the worst thing I could ever imagine a person doing, First to do with my dear, sweet loving daughter Emily. The best little girl two parents could ever hope for. She was talented and smart and filled our hearts with laughter. She was always willing to help with a smile even when eshe ws feeling lousy. Emily excelled at so many things but slowly gad to stop almost everything because of the migraines. (But when it affected her beloved singing, it took a part of her soul). She has been very ill with migraines that have plagued her since Elementary school. This has caused her to miss two years at UBC which completely broke her heart. I don’t think anyone really knew how much pain Emily was in on a daily basis and the severe depression that these migraines caused her. Emily watched her friends from high school move on with their lives while hers was spent wrenching into a puke tray and hours at the Emergency Rm. Since Oct/Nov her migraines have escalated to excruciating again and I just could not see my girl hurt one more second. She had shown unimaginable strength through a lot of migraine pain over the years and always seemed to try and look on the bright side and always loved talking about things “When I get better let’s do this and let’s do that”. I wish sweetheart. Emily had tried everything to get better but nothing seemed to help her. I took a gun and shot her in the head and now she is migraine free and floating in the clouds on a sunny afternoon, her long beautiful brown hair flowing in the breeze, a true angel. Then I shot Laurel because a mother should never have to hear the news her baby has died. Then a couple of days later my sister Shelly because I did not want her to live with this shame I have caused all alone. Now my family is pain free and in heaven. I have great remorse for my actions and feel like the dirt that I am. I am taking full responsibility for my actions of these murders. SO sorry to anyone I have hurt. Rest in peace my little family *kisses* Love Daddio xoxo"
He is believed to have died in a fire at a home surrounded by police, who were called after a caller spotted the post. The account has been taken down by Facebook.

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